Recent Anutan graduates contributing to the community and country

In 2014, John Vaefa graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. After working as tutor in economics at Luesalemba Provincial Secondary School and later as General Services Manager at Woodford International School, in 2017 he entered the Solomon Islands Ministry of Finance and Treasury. In 2019 he became Chief Budget Officer in the Budget Formulation and Reform section of the ministry’s Budget Unit.

In 2020, Mark Rongokavea finished his medical studies at the University of Fiji’s Umanand Prasad School of Medicine, and in 2021 he began working at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara, Solomon Islands, as a Resident Medical Officer. Since the Solomon Islands reported its first cases of community spread of COVID-19 in January 2022, Mark has been among the frontline workers protecting the country from the worst effects of the virus.

In 2021, Hugh Blessing Renga also completed his medical studies at the University of Fiji’s Umanand Prasad School of Medicine, and he will soon begin his residency at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara.

When Mark Rongokavea and Hugh Blessing Renga complete their residencies, they will be the first fully trained Anutan doctors.

Cyclone Donna

In May 2017, Severe Tropical Cyclone Donna reached Anuta, damaging the island’s crops and food supplies.

Please consider contributing to the community’s efforts to rebuild.

Cyclone Pam

In March 2015 Anuta was struck by Cyclone Pam, which dealt extensive damage to the island’s homes, crops, and food storage. The community has limited food supplies while it works to rebuild and replenish its food supplies.

Please consider contributing to the community’s efforts to rebuild.